Saturday, April 16, 2016

Male Rape and Rape Culture... mgtow?

Sandman is a YouTube user I was referred to because I watch: The Amazing AtheistArmoured SkepticSargon of AkkadThunderf00t . And I had no idea what MGTOW was... so I watched his videos explaining about men going their own way. He often takes in $20 donations and if given good subjects will speak about them. Here is one that has been pissing me off mostly because social justice warrior feminazi's have been all over rape culture.

David was a viewer who donated money to have [this video] "false rape claims" discussed. "Especially how they affect men, even after the man is proven innocent." Which is a topic that I particularly get really upset about. (That whole article calls physical sexual harassment full on assault. I was more sexually harassed during middle school and high school and only my mother tried to help me, no teachers cared. She had to call the district.) I was very close friends with a man who is a registered sex offender because his wife didn't want to get a divorce, it'd look bad in the eyes of the church. So what does she do? She got their two little girls to lie to the police about things their dad never did to them, thinking that once she ruined his life she could tell the truth and damage undone, right? Well, no, once you're on that list, you're not off it. I lived with him for a while, when I was like a size 2!, and he was completely paternal to me. I mean he could have done the creepy-old-guy-hitting-on-girl-that-could-be-daughter-thing but he didn't. We only lost touch really because I moved 2,000 miles away and we are both bi-polar and depressed people. I should shoot him an email and see how he is... anyway.

 Sandman goes on to point out that third wave feminists cannot find statistics to prove wrong, that is claims of false rape. Much akin to people who believe in paranormal or aliens (or religion), if you cannot prove them wrong, despite that the evidence they have perhaps cannot be 100% disproved, that 0.001% unknown variable allows them to argue that they are correct. This is why they claim that there is a "rape culture".

The largest rape culture that you see in the USA is in our male prison system, and nearly everyone turns a blind eye to the problem. People make jokes at the expense of the victims. It is a horrible and violent crime that has become a huge source of humor to our society, which shows just how much of a bias and double standard that we have for men vs. women. Why are feminists not realizing that more men are raped than women during an average year? Don't they realize that no one seems to be addressing the issues about male victims, either? RAINN doesn't count them at all! So many are dedicating time and resources for female victims, but in comparison to the sheer amount of males, nothing is being done. You're only a victim of rape, if you're a certain kind of male victim. I think that's a rape culture, and it's men who're suffering it.

About 200,000 men are raped in prison each year... So then there is another figure of men and women, and boys and girls being abused of just under 300,000. So like 40% of our sexual assault victims each year are being ignored, made fun of, beaten, silenced, and everyone knows and doesn't care. (for some reason I got on a tangent and wound up on the social security's website looking at step's after approval... ahem... there was a political debate about $12 vs $15/hr 15 being more than I ever made which I found from Star wars.. but the min wage- SSI income.. Before that I was at Star Wars off ABC news which I had clicked on from the 200k men article above. So ADHD)

The only other rape culture that actually exists is among cultures that encourage rape, though. Most feminists who are around now are so rich and privileged that they never run into the type of girl or woman who might suffer from a real rape culture in the U.S. or visiting from abroad. Rape culture is alive and well in many third world countries, but third world feminists seem to care more about ruining my video games than actually helping child brides.

Sandman mentions that the first time that he learned about rape was an episodes about Matlock where a woman was beaten and raped by soldiers and then had to be taken to the hospital. The word conjures up images from that episode for him. I must admit that I am surprised, because whenever I hear the word I keep going back to my first boyfriend; I'm trying desperately to shove him off me, and screaming for him to stop. My hands are in fists punching his chest it's like a wall. I am screaming for mercy and in pain. The pain was so overwhelming it took my breath away for a while. I wonder if other people have specific scenes in their mind at the word?

Apparently someone that Sandman knew in university was "falsely accused" of rape and lost all of his friends. Why? The girl sobered up and had regrets about sleeping with him. No one would even talk to him. The women all hated him... even though he did nothing. I facepalm so hard- if this is true. I listened to this a second time proofing this.

Sandman is a hard narcissist though, and admits that this guy friend was a full of himself jerk, too. The girl "dropped charges", he said. He didn't say that she recanted. Maybe his friend really was a rapist? I mean it's not like it's something that a Canadian man is going to brag about to his friends when he's a pariah. They're not big on crime.

But because alcohol was involved I am inclined to think that the girl was like, "omg I cannot believe I slept with that douchebag... I didn't want it, he coerced me into it.. I was tipsy, I was trying to wriggle away from him, ya know? ... asking him to slow down... stop?" I could totally see that having had happen... but equally because of the way cops react to rape I could see having happened that she was brutally assaulted and the cop made her describe every last detail, and then she was told that she would have to repeat her story in front of a judge, two lawyers, the accused, and several other law officials and she dropped charges because she was a sobbing wreck after just reporting it to a single cop.

[article proposal of Roosh- after bad PR he claimed it was "satire" but it was heavily edited and obviously was not ment to be satire, as there was no original mention of his sister.] I actually shamed a guy who supported the idea of Roosh V's idea [video] of legalizing rape on private property, of removing his video supporting it... by describing the rape that is most vivid in my mind. I'll mix my own experience with a drunk sorority girl. I didn't mean to shame him to take it down, but I wanted to make him think.


I could also see Sandman's buddy having done the following...:
She was kissing a guy who she thought that she knew, someone that for sure she cared about and trusted, and he was holding her so close. Words sweetly whispered in hair as hands caressed sides and legs enter-tangled and lips graced the sides of a neck. Suddenly, or perhaps just sudden for a moment, there is a tug upwards at a shirt and a smug relent as she let it come off with a smirk upon her face so she could allow him to give her attention. Everything so far she was enjoying with a haze of alcohol. His shirt was then demanded off, only to be fair.. perhaps his pants, too? No, no, she says, he can keep them on, but he discards them anyway, for comfort he reassures. Then he is wanting to tug her pants down, too, wishing to give her nethers attention as her hands are already roaming below his waist... He suggests that he might perform oral on her, and she blushes, and as he slowly drags the pants off her ankles he comes back to her face and kisses her. His hands are down there, they have not been down there yet [tonight], she is flushed...

Then she realizes that there is something wrong. Her face becomes stern, the tipsiness fades, she is sober, and she firmly says, "No, don't!" He smiles, sadistically, already knowing that it's too late and her hands are on his shoulders, legs trying to knee him, but suddenly he's inside her, ripping her insides apart. She screams out from pain. "Noo!!" The wind is knocked out of her for a moment, the sheer force and pain is stunning. After he gets to pace does she finally come back to.

Tears in her eyes she looks at her friend, "Please... stop! Stop!" he looks her in the eye, before looking away, it is chilling. Her hands can't push his body off. Her legs cannot get leverage in the awkward position that they are caught in. She can only cry out in pain and wait undignified until he is gratified with pleasure and finished before she can limp away home...


With me there was no alcohol, only innocence and naivety and someone who was already threatening my life. He could get into my apartment any time that he wanted to... the lock didn't work, and he knew exactly how to jimmy it. He regularly harmed me, and eventually I just came to realize that if you fight less, you get hurt less. I was a minor at the time and neither my parents or police would help me, not even people at my school would.

(Okay, um, Sandman's friend would probably NO WAY be a sadistic psycho like my ex to be fair lol. I mean how the fuck do you meet the eye of your victim and be like, yeah... suffer.... and continue?! I mean, there is a reason he's been in and out of jail for doing this to other women. I have a restraining order ready to go in case he locates me again!)

False rape accusations affect men, but then, it affects women, too. I was 17 dating a violent young man with a thirst for violence. Once he wasn't just happy enough with beating me, he finally decided it was time to turn me into an object for his sexual satisfaction. I fought tooth and nail, but to no avail, I couldn't win, and then I was thrown out into the street, barely able to walk, bleeding hard, limping home. If I had KNOWN police would have listened to me, protected me, I would have gladly had gone to them, but one thing I learned a long time ago- they do not help you. (<-story of a woman who actually got fined for filing false charges, but later her rapist was found and convicted, he had her ID.)

Unless perhaps you have some money to bribe a police officer with, you should stay clear of those particular men, the women in uniform seem alright though- but it could be because I am female. It sickens me that I've been ... coerced to turn to cops a few times in my life... They weaseled their way in, found out there was an assault upon me, insisted upon gathering information after I asked them to leave me be, and at the end of it? They upset me by asking me a bunch of questions for no reason and refusing to help, although acknowledging, yes, I was illegally assaulted.

I have been raped by a few men, I have never on-the-record told a police officer about any of it. Why? Because they will just ask more questions about it, dredge up the memories, make you relive every second of the first and last time it happened with the male you mentioned, and then shrug their shoulders. It is a viscous cycle between police becoming so jaded they don't believe real victims so real victims never reporting crimes, and fake rapes being reported more than real ones because the real ones are silent because we're rightfully scared.

One last thing digs at me... A woman's lifetime is a long time. So a chance of being raped, is it what, per life, per 25 years, per decade, per year? I was drugged and raped when I was twelve by a neighbor, at least once. (The drugging part makes it hazy, and repression.. large chunks of childhood are gone.) That is the furthest and clear-headed thing I can recall. But I was also molested by a female and male repeatedly between 6 and 11. So is this a stat of one kid abused or a kid three time abused? Or was at age twelve you count that a young woman raped? Does it discount when my first boyfriend did it later after I was done developing?

Okay... so I Google'd it... it says 1/5 women in their lifetime will be a victim of rape, or attempted. Now I have to call bullshit on this. I only know have had two female friends who weren't raped. Where are they getting their statistics? Maybe I just meet a lot of fellow messed up people.

"there is an average of 293,066 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year." So do they not count the men or women who have been raped before in their lives? lol... I'm one of the square pegs in a round hole.

So the real rape culture is left for women with third world cultures and countries... human trafficking... Male prison culture is heavy with rape culture and it is probably the most ingrained within normal American society. After all, like I pointed out, RAINN will only help certain male sexual victims... if that's not a rape culture in the U.S., what is?

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