Saturday, September 19, 2015

Finding A Voice

I remember when I was very small that on the local news, it would actually show... well news.

Last night I endured about an hour of frivolous stories, and a few stories that were somewhat emotional, before hearing about things that are affecting thousands right now, and soon may affect millions. I am sorry that six hikers died because of a flash flood, and a toddler was killed, but I would much rather here more pressing matters about thousands of refugees fleeing Syria who are being starved and abused because Germany followed through with their threat to carry the quota of refugees allowed to their borders, and no one will take these poor people. What is more scary is that it seems no one is concerned that Russia has military presence in Syria, a country we are fighting a war in currently, and not long ago Russia was doing reconnaissance missions along the West Coast... But hearing about how cats and dogs need homes, and the best places to dine for the Emmy's is much more important to hear about.

Making matters worse is that I live with a house of very ignorant and racist people. It is ironic how much they are willing to bash on Obama but happily take benefits that he brought in with many of  his policies that he introduced. Not to step on toes, but they are typical "LA Republicans" except they are Mexican instead of hailing from mixed European descent. I'm impressed how quickly LA Republicanism is catching fire.

L.A. republicans like to pretend that they are smart, but they are usually quite uneducated. They will ask questions in answer to questions, instead of supplying a good answer. They will argue using the same "fact" reworded again and again. They also see the Bible as law, and usually as literal history, EXCEPT when it interferes with what they want or like... like shellfish, polyester blended clothing, eating pork...

So I saw an actually good, but very racist, caricature of Obama as a black-monkey person in the living room, and I was of course like, wow... yeah.. This family hates black people. They pretty much equate all black men to being criminals. I bet I could bring Neil DeGrasse Tyson into this house and they'd be ready to grab the wood baseball bat that is in the living room.

On the news was the whole debacle over Planned Parenthood and the supposed selling of fetal tissue to people or companies and the majority red-neck House decided to either defund PP or "stop government," according to the news. So it left Obama 14 days to decide. I immediately exclaimed that it was horrible...

Thinking about 3 million reported patients that they have a year, and the king of the hill of further south redneck's immediately replied, "I know, murdering all those babies..."

So again without thinking I replied, "No, those poor women. They barely do abortions compared to the STD and prenatal care they offer! I've taken so many girlfriends there for help. I don't condone abortions, so I'd never help with that, but I was surprised when I learned they do way more." And I should know. I worked in a pharmacy for years. Do you have any idea how many prescriptions for things like condoms or birth control come from clinics associated with PP?

I could tell I steamed him up, so I decided to look it up and found, "Only 3% of their services are abortions... if it's a problem stop the abortions, but continue prenatal care...." I again pleaded my case for all those places to stay open.

Later in the night I actually looked into the issue further, and the fetal tissue was possibly being given to a company illegally, without their knowledge, so they could treat people with cancer and other serious health issues... But the kicker to me was when I looked up the exact laws about abortion and federal funding........there is NONE.

Abortions cannot be funded by the government.

So closing every planned parenthood that exists would do nothing about the abortion problem, because girls aren't getting government aid to get them there! Women are getting government aid to have healthy babies at Planned Parenthood, or men and women are preventing STDs. All of the ignorant idiots in government and around the USA haven't even bothered to Google basic laws of how abortion works, and therefore are probably going to cause more baby deaths than ever because 3 million patients will lose clinic care for natal and sexual care. Good job America!

I recently did a stint in the hospital, too... which... god.. I can't even get into that now..

I was very jostled around, and eventually it all left me with a discharge and somehow over medicated and yet my pain not managed. I've been trying to speak up the whole time I was there, but I cannot help but wonder, is there anyone to hear me?